Publications & Reports
Journal publications resulting from the UNAH/UCAM research agreement will be listed below as they are published.
Las publicaciones en revistas derivadas del acuerdo de investigación UNAH/UCAM se enumerarán a continuación a medida que se publiquen.
Project reports will be listed below as the project advances.
Los informes de los proyectos se irán enumerando a medida que avance el proyecto.
Report No.1 January 2023 / Informe No.1 enero 2023
Report No.2 August 2023 / Informe No.2 agosto 2023
The most relevant publications that have been referred to by the project will be listed below.
A continuación se enumeran las publicaciones más relevantes a las que ha hecho referencia el proyecto.
Geology / Geologia
Giesso, Martín, et al. “XRF obsidian analysis from Ayacucho Basin in Huamanga province, south‐eastern Peru.” Archaeometry 62.2 (2020): 215-231.
Marocco, René, Alain Lavenu, & R. Baudino. “Intermontane late Paleogene-Neogene basins of the Andes of Ecuador and Peru: Sedimentologic and tectonic characteristics.” (1995): 597-613.
Wise, James M., et al. “Quechua II contraction in the Ayacucho intermontane basin: Evidence for rapid and episodic Neogene deformation in the Andes of central Perú.” Journal of South American Earth Sciences 26.4 (2008): 383-39
Wise, James M. “Deformation and domains of the central Peruvian Andes: A spatial approach using surface data.” Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica del Perú 110 (2015): 161-175.
Wise, J. M. & D. C. Noble. “Late Pliocene inception of external drainage and erosion of intermontane basins in the highlands of Central Perú.” Revista de la Sociedad Geológica de España 21.1 (2008): 73-91.
Microstructures / Microestructuras
Giraldo, M. A. & D. G. Stavenga. “Brilliant iridescence of Morpho butterfly wing scales is due to both a thin film lower lamina and a multilayered upper lamina.” Journal of Comparative Physiology A 202.5 (2016): 381-388.
Kinoshita, Shuichi, Shinya Yoshioka, & Kenji Kawagoe. “Mechanisms of structural colour in the Morpho butterfly: cooperation of regularity and irregularity in an iridescent scale.” Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological Sciences 269.1499 (2002): 1417-1421.
Lee, R. Todd, & Glenn S. Smith. “Detailed electromagnetic simulation for the structural color of butterfly wings.” Applied Optics 48.21 (2009): 4177-4190.
Steindorfer, Michael A., et al. “Detailed simulation of structural color generation inspired by the Morpho butterfly.” Optics Express 20.19 (2012): 21485-21494.
Water / Agua
Aylas-Quispe, A., et al. “Evaluation of the Quality of Drinking Water and Rivers in the Mantaro Valley, Central Peru.” IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Vol. 943. No. 1. IOP Publishing, 2021.
Battista, Robert, et al. “Assessing changing water quality in Peru due to glacial recession.” (2014).
Choque-Quispe, David, et al. “Proposal of a water-quality index for high Andean basins: application to the Chumbao river, Andahuaylas, Peru.” Water 14.4 (2022): 654.
Corroto, Fernando, Oscar Gamarra, & Elgar Barboza. “Multivariate assessment of water quality in the Utcubamba Basin (Peru).” Tecnología y ciencias del agua 9.5 (2018): 33-57.
Corroto, Fernando, Oscar Gamarra, & Elgar Barboza. “Evaluación multivariante de la calidad del agua en la cuenca del Utcubamba (Perú).” Tecnología y ciencias del agua 9.5 (2018): 33-57.
Martinez, Rodrigo, Kevin M. Green, & Amielle DeWan. “Establishing reciprocal agreements for water and biodiversity conservation through a social marketing campaign in Quanda Watershed, Peru.” Conservation Evidence 10 (2013): 42-47.
Soils / Suelos
Mendoza, Edith Orellana, et al. “Heavy metals in soils from high andean zones and potential ecological risk assessment in Peru’s central andes.” Journal of Ecological Engineering 21.8 (2020).
Mestanza, Carlos J., and Julio C. Nazario. “Pedometric Mapping of Soil Classes: A Case Study of San Mateo de Otao, Peru.” Applied and Environmental Soil Science 2022 (2022).
Rivera Ramos, Roy Josue, and Clinton Nilton Vargas Arroyo. “Condiciones del suelo y de la biota en el humedal Huaper altamente impactado por actividades antropogénicas en la comunidad de Azángaro del distrito de Luricocha, provincia de Huanta, región Ayacucho–2021.” Universidad Cesar Vallejo, Lima (2021).
Biodiversity / Biodiversidad
Gibbons, Richard Edward. “Bird ecology and conservation in Peru’s high Andean petlands.” Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical College, 2012.
Montano-Centellas, Flavia A., and Álvaro Garitano-Zavala. “Andean bird responses to human disturbances along an elevational gradient.” Acta Oecologica 65 (2015): 51-60.
Quintero Rivero, Maria Esther. “Avian Diversification in the Andes: Understanding Endemism Patterns and Historical Biogeography.” Diss. Columbia University, 2011.
Sahley, Catherine Teresa, et al. “Primary seed dispersal by a sigmodontine rodent assemblage in a Peruvian montane forest.” Journal of Tropical Ecology 32.2 (2016): 125-134.
Remote sensing / Teledeteccion
Lepage, Hugo V., et al. “Greening and Browning Trends on the Pacific Slope of Peru and Northern Chile.” Remote Sensing 15.14 (2023): 3628.
Maldonado Fonkén, Mónica Sofía. “An introduction to the bofedales of the Peruvian High Andes.” (2014): Article-05.
Turpo Cayo, Efrain Yury, et al. “Mapping three decades of changes in the tropical Andean glaciers using landsat data processed in the Earth engine.” Remote Sensing 14.9 (2022): 1974.
Beck, H.E., McVicar, T.R., Vergopolan, N. et al. High-resolution (1 km) Köppen-Geiger maps for 1901–2099 based on constrained CMIP6 projections. Sci Data 10, 724 (2023).
Bofedales / Bofedales
Garcia Dulanto, Jorge Luis. “Implementación de una metodología para la identificación de bofedales usando datos imágenes satelitales Landsat-caso estudio: bofedal Chunal, cuenca alta del río Chillón.” Tesis, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (2018).
Ñahui Martinez, Elvis. “Comportamiento y Estrategias de Conservación del Recurso Hídrico de Bofedales en Callqui Chico, Huancavelica-2021.” Tesis, Universidad de Huancavelica (2021).
Uzquiano Céspedes, Félix Josué, and Emelyn Hireida Machuca Peña. “Evaluación del estado de salud de bofedales mediante teledetección en la microcuenca de Acocancha-Lima 2021.” Tesis, Universidad Cesar Vallejo, Lima.
Others / Otras
- Correa, Sly W., et al. “Soil erosion risk associated with climate change at Mantaro River basin, Peruvian Andes.” Catena 147 (2016): 110-124.